
project name client BC (approx. thous. EUR) year


Sport areal, Cesky Brod SK Český Brod - 2017 ST, DUR
Regeneration of production hall - loft housing, Prague 9 soukr. osoba 7 850 2016 ST
Parkhouse, Praha 9 soukr. osoba 510 2016 ST
Revitalization of park, Prague 3 MČ Praha 3 80 2016 ST, DPS
Store Kotva soukr. osoba  - 2016 STP
Residential building, Prague 9 soukr. osoba  1 180 2016 ST
Apartment house regeneration, Prague 5 MČ Praha 5 - 2016 DPS
Family house, Doubravcice soukr. osoba  - 2016 ST, DSP, DPS
Building-in - warehouse, Prague 9 ALS Czech Republic, s.r.o. 400 2015 ST
Space regeneration, Prague 2 KŘ Policie Hl.m.Prahy 50 2015 DSP
Housing estate, Prague 9 Prosecké skály s.r.o. 4 320 2015 ST
Building regeneration, Prague 2 KŘ Policie Hl.m.Prahy 440 2015 DSP

* STP-building investigation, ST-schematic design, DUR-planning permit documentation, UR-planning permit, DSP-building permit documentation, SP-building permit, DPS-detail design documentation, DZS-contract documentation, DSPS-set of record drawings, AD-architect's supervision, TDI-technical supervisor of investor